Life Happens. Are You Ready?

Life Has Happened.  Now What?
Life happens to everyone. What will it do when it happens to you?

What do you do on a random Wednesday night when after a long day at work, you get the phone call that changes your life?

Maybe you’ve finding out you lost your job.

Maybe a relationship has failed.

Maybe the call points out to you that your life isn’t what you thought it would be.

Maybe everything is going according to plan, but the fear of your plan collapsing around you makes you so anxious you can’t relax and enjoy it.

It is in those moments when life has happened to you that you most need a voice you can trust from outside, a truly objective voice which can speak into your situation and give you the wisdom you need to seek after what really matters.  But where can such a voice be found?  Most of the people in your life have an angle–they don’t know what it is like to be you and see the world as you do.  Maybe you’ve tried to explain it to others.  Maybe you haven’t because you don’t know yourself.  No matter, you need a voice who can speak the truth.

Such a voice exists.  It is the voice of the God who made you and designed you with a purpose specifically in mind.  In case of life, you break the glass and go to the last resort of a life lived in your own strength.  You go to find Him.  You venture out, and you return first with the assurance that He really is out there and there might be a way forward.  Then you go to His revealed message, The Bible, and the real adventure begins.

This blog is about that adventure, the joys and pitfalls and everything in between that go along with being conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ in this time and this place.  It’s an adventure that people have been undertaking for thousands of years.  Now it’s your turn.

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