Grief is the human response to the realization of losing something we can’t replace. This weekend, I lost a dear friend. And the grief is here. But it isn’t grief without end, and ultimately my grief must push me to where all my convictions do–to Jesus Christ.

I have written infrequently over the past two years in my blog, mostly because I have been busy with the nuts and bolts of an expansive job. But the reality of my first two years in my new position is that the leaders in the SDB General Conference, both in local churches and at the Conference level, are under a targeted spiritual attack which is taking a toll on themselves, their families, and their churches. When we encounter such things, the Bible entreats us to pray. That’s where you come in.

There are an absurd number of people who are doing the internet wrong. In an effort to help my tiny corner of the internet get its collective nonsense together, I’ve compiled a list of helpful tips as you wander around the interwebs. Commit these strategies to memory, as they are guaranteed to simply your life and advance discourse in all the places you find yourself.